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최근에 올라온 글

dull conversation with judy, mark

- what do you do, cristina?
- i am currently at liberty
- come on, she made a film
- how exciting
- it was 12 minutes
- what was it about?
- it was about why love is so hard to define
- that's a mighty big subject to handle in 12 minutes

- vicky, you're getting your master's in..
- yeah, my master's in catalan identity
- what do you plan on doing with THAT?
- i don't know. maybe teaching, maybe curating
- you don't have to do something. she's marrying this wonderful man in the fall. and all her conflicts will be resolved when he makes her pregnant.

juan antonio

- i'll show you around the city. we'll eat well, we'll drink good wine, we'll make love.
- who exactly is going to make love?
- hopefully, the three of us
why not? life is short. life is dull. life is full of pain. this is a chance for something special.

- the trick is to enjoy life, accepting it has no meaning whatsoever.

about cristina

- she can't part with that self-image of the oh-so-special woman, the artist trying to find herself. i find her contempt for normal values pretentious. it's a boring cliche.
(vicky's husband, about cristina)

- she was already thinking of herself as a kind of expatriate, not smothered by what she believed to be america's puritanical and materialistic culture which she had little patience for. she saw herself more a european soul, in tune with the thinkers and artists she felt expressed her tragic, romantic, freethinking view of life.

- she was not as open-minded as she had always imagined herself

- and it happened very naturally for both of us
- it was just the one time?
- yeah i mean, it just happened, you know?
i'm not planning on making a habit out of it, necessarily.
- but if you ENJOYED it
- i did, i did at the time
- did you tell juan antonio?
- yeah of course, there's nothing to hide.
- would you say, then, you are a bisexual?
- no i see no reason to label everything
i'm me! you know
(conversation between vicky, vicky's husband, and cristina)

- began to experience an old, familiar stirring, a growing restlessness that she dreaded, but recognized only too well. suddenly, thoughts started taking precedence over feelings. thoughts and questions about life and love. and as much as she tried to resist these ideas, she could not get them from her mind

- i don't want what my parents had. i don't want what i had before i came here. but i know i can't live like this forever. i know that.
(cristina, to juan antonio and maria elena)

- this isn't enough for her. it's like an illness. nothing will ever be enough for her. this girl will never be satisfied with anything. i knew you would use us. and you used us.
chronic dissatisfaction, that's what you have.
(maria elena, to juan antonio and cristina)

- (she) said she was going to france for a few weeks to think things out

영화는 quite good. i could see myself in both cristina and vicky which made me frightened a bit. 마리아 엘레나 역할의 배우가 무척 예쁘다고 생각했는데 알고 보니 페넬로페 크루즈님. 매력쩐다. 스칼렛 요한슨은 생긴 것도 목소리도 항상 별로라고 생각하고 있었는데 이 영화에서 맡은 역할과 잘 어울리더라.

작년 여름에 바르셀로나에서 보냈던 휴가가 생각나서 내내 마음이 붕붕 떠있었다. 람블라거리는 말할 것도 없고. 우리가 작년에 월드컵경기를 보곤 했던 막바 바로 앞에 있는 레스토랑에서 주인공들이 막 식사하더라 ㅋㅋ 영화에 나왔던 오래된 놀이공원 가보고 싶다. 영화에서 내내 나오는 바르셀로나의 거리 풍경과 높은 천장과 마른 벽의 집들을 보며 여행자 특유의 호들갑스러운 향수를 느꼈다.

후안 안토니오의 집, 아뜰리에가 정말 탐나게 아름다웠다. 영화상으론 바르셀로나 시내에서 멀지 않은 것처럼 그려지는 것 같았는데 (아닌가) 도심에서 멀지 않은 곳에 그런 집이 있다면 정말 좋을 듯.

크리스티나의 "chronic dissatisfaction". 나도 그런 것은 아닐런지.

공감되는 상황과 대사들.

볼 때는 몰랐는데 (바보같다 이런 노골적인 유사성을 눈치채지 못하다니) 자루 말 듣고 보니 정말 쥘앤짐과 비슷하다.

그나저나 이 영화, 한국어 제목이 <내 남자의 아내도 좋아>란다. 뭥미
Posted by hamagom
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